Kingston High School - Pop Quiz

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KHS67 Kingston Quiz

Kingston Quiz: Think you know about growing up in Kingston, PA? Try this quiz which was submitted by one of our classmates. The answers will be judged and an appropriate award will be given to the winner who attends the reunion. Go Huskies. BTW: You may ask for help from other classmates when answering this quiz!

Your name:

Your email:

01. Name the 4 playgrounds in and owned by Kingston while we were growing up.

02. Which did not have a wading pool?

03. Who was the last Burgess of Kingston?

04. Who was the first Mayor of Kingston?

05. Where is Kingston's only cemetery?

06. Where is the only stream in town?

07. What elementary schools were there?

08. How many new Car dealerships were in town and can you name them?

09. Where was the first Kingston location for Motor Twins?

10. Where was the police shooting range?

11. Who was the police chief when we were young?

12. What is the one thing that police chief never did?

13. Where was the jail and police department before the borough building was built?

14. Who was the only democrat to serve on Kingston's council at the time? Hint, he was also a teacher.

15. Where was Woolworth's located?

16. What and where was Kingston's department store - Woolworth's and Stull Brothers don't count.

17. Where in Kingston were the Acme and A&P originally located?

18. Where did Skippy Gross get those Flat Top Hair cuts and where is that barber shop today?

19. Which teachers had these nicknames? The Jet, the Wheel, the Grump, Mumbles, Tilt?

20. Where was the Happy Kernel Popcorn Factory ?

Tiebreaker 1: What was the name of the Law Library housed in the Hoyt Library's basement?

Tiebreaker 2: What was on the corner of Wyoming Avenue and Hoyt where the Library addition now stands?

Tiebreaker 3: What was originally at the site of Rayco on Wyoming Avenue?

Tiebreaker 4: Name four other supermarkets in town.

Tom Jones
6 Lassen Court, Menlo Park, CA 94025
Phone: 650-854-7809 Fax: 650-854-4761